Wednesday 31 December 2008

Worst Films of 2008

Couldn't let the year pass without passing note on a couple of abominations (in no particular order).
Not sure how to include The Happening in this list. I had a strongly mixed reaction to it when I saw it theatrically; the "attack" sequences are supurb and the general story and structure are sound. But the script and direction is oddly limp for Shyamalan. But the real achilles heal are the performances from Zooey Deshenal and Marky Mark Whalberg. He not just shit but earth shatteringly, amature child actor who's never had a lesson in his life bad. It's not a good film at all, but diserving of the crap on this list...update to come
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. Bigger and faster than its predecesor...yet just as dull. You used to be able to rely on Bruckheimer for a good script; these days no-chance. Even Cage's Wicker Man remake was better than this!
Max Payne. Not as embarassing as he was in The Happening, Whalberg still coasts in this stillborn videogame adaptation. When you see a collaboration between the director of The Omen remake, Fox Studios and the Whalberg you know youre in trouble. But who could have predicted trouble would be this dull.
AVP-R. Technically a groovy movie. It looks and sounds sweet; mint FX, gorgeous photography and passable action. But an abysmal script and "the worst cast in history" bring this down. I can't remember caring less about an ensemble cast ever. And I could make a living in watching action-horror like this. Truely dire.
Finally. Much has been said about the talentlessness of Dr Uwe Boll, but in 2008 I was determined to watch beyond his first 2 movuies to form a stronger, unbiased opinion of the man's work. Mistake me thinks.
Postal = Officially my worst film of all time until something more wretched comes along.
Not even funny in a bad way and I love laughing at unintentionally funny or crap movies.
Think of all the ways you can fuck up the making of a movie, from the foundation up, and you have Postal.

1 comment:

sickboy said...

The Happening - So many positives all ripped to shreds by Marky Mark

National Treasure 2 - I've watched it kind of twice and still could tell you nothing about it.

AVPR - Like you said, the perfect set up but ultimately soulless. A Shame as it seems it hard to make a movie that looks bad nowadays, but very easy to just be bad.

Postal - Yeah it was shit, but I still don't think it's his worse film. I might make a day of watching Uwe films