Sunday 21 March 2010

Baby Face A Slasher Disgrace

It seems that Dark Castle Productions don't just turn out low budget, lower quality horror movies (Thirteen Ghosts, Ghost Ship, House On Haunted Hill). They also produce micro budget, direct-to-DVD, lowest quality slasher movies like The Hills Run Red. On paper, it should be post-modern and clever. Tad Hilgenbrink's Tyler is obsessed by a notorious slasher movie of the early 80's call The Hills Run Red which was screened once until the print disappeared. Only a trailer remains. So Tyler and his buddies decide to track down the director's daughter, the perky crack-whore Sophie Monk, to find her father and the missing feature film. But it turns out daddy is still shooting his film and Tyler and company are the slasher's (Baby Face) new victims.

Below average as below average does describes this cheapo horror. It's suitably glossy and gory but does nothing to distinguish itself from an ever over-populated sub-genre. In fact the most intriguing thing about the film is model-turned-actress Monk; are the 31 year old's lips now enhanced with plastic or are they her original plump smackers from her youth.

Frankly, who cares.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

To be honest I wasn't really watching this properly...but then from what I could tell I was quite glad of that. It looked dull and utterly run of the mill. Sophie Monk-fish lips. Heh heh...