Sunday 11 July 2010

Jude Law Steals Ladies Hearts (Literally)

At first glance Repo Men seems like an original movie (apart from a passing resemblance to the organ donor sketch in Monty Python's Meaning Of Life). And in a world where sequels and franchises rule and where everything is adapted from PlayStation titles and books to comic books and board games...the original screenplay is a rare thing. But look a little closer and Repo Men betrays it's origins.

Like 2009's Gamer was a reworking of The Running Man, Repo Men is a reworking of Logan's Run. In a future society, two close male colleagues enforce certain important laws. When one of the lawmen starts to see things from the criminals point of view, he goes on the run, finally deciding to bring down the whole rotton system.
In Logan's Run, the law was mandatory death at 30 years of age. Here it's the compulsory repayment of artificial body parts or, like a house or a car, the item will be forcefully repossessed (even if it means your death). There's also elements of Fight Club, Minority Report and Brazil that surface throughout the there's not much room for originality.

But that's the end of the bad news. Repo Men is a violent, gory, black humoured science fiction thriller like RoboCop or Running Man...something you don't see that often in this age of PG-13, teen targeted shoot 'em ups. The cast are great with Jude Law playing both ends of the spectrum; as the immoral, deadly Union man and as the haunted fugitive he becomes. Forrest Whittaker is comfortable in asshole best friend territory while Liev Schriber and Alice Braga lend spirited support. Thematically it satirises private health care (especially the old American system where a National Health Service didn't exist) and questions whether citizens should simply accept unethical systems imposed on them by society.

Perhaps too grim for mainstream audiences, this is a funny and fast paced thriller that's worth checking out. You may know the story's destination but, like myself, I'm sure you'll enjoy the journey.

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