Sunday 30 October 2011

Occupy Lucasfilm

Whether you're into Star Wars or not, if you want an insight into the relationship between the fans of art and the artist himself, look no further than the documentary The People Vs George Lucas. This is a quite in depth look at the man himself, Star Wars and Indiana Jones creator George Lucas, and the fan community that has grown up around his iconic works from 1977 to the present day.

Despite looking at this complex relationship from multiple different angles, the film keeps returning to one key question; should an artist have the right to go back and alter their work after it has been placed into the public domain? Of course Star Wars is the perfect piece of art to discuss this with at it's been a part of Western culture (not just popular culture) for 34 years now covering generations of fans.

The fans, other artists, and Lucas himself talk about the key moments that have spawned this intense debate like the 1997 Special Editions, Han Shot First, the prequel trilogy, Nooooooooooooo!, Midechloreons, Crystal Skull and the infamous Star Wars Christmas Special of 1978. A fascinating debate that there's not really any answer to, except to say (George, release the originals on Blu ray, Godammit!!!)

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