Thursday 26 April 2012

The Darkest Hour (Which I'll Never Get Back)

I was really looking forward to The Darkest Hour. It held the promise of a big scale, alien invasion blockbuster produced by Russian visionary Timur Bekmambetov, set in the rarely filmed Moscow and starring a youthful cast of promising up and comers. Alas, on arrival, this sci-fi horror flick sucks.

The budget turned out to be not that big which dramatically impacts on the scale of the longer a Ruskie Independence a more 28 Days Later vibe. The characters are underwritten, annoying cardboard cutouts lifted directly from a standard teens-in-trouble horror movie plot and the actors put very little effort in to expand their characters beyond the one dimensional cliches as written in the script. The highly thought of Emile Hirsch comes off the worst, being cocky, gung ho and humour free from the get least Olivia Thrilby and Rachael Taylor can coast by on cuteness and hotness respectively.

No tension, a bare bones of a plot, silly peripheral characters, terrible dialogue and, worst of all, an overwhelming sense of boredom pervade The Darkest Hour. The nicest thing I can say about it is the effects look good. But effects alone do not a good movie make.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

This was a piece of crap. A total waste of a potentially cool concept.