Wednesday 20 June 2012

Highschool Reunion Of The Dead

There are now hundreds of of cheap ass Zombie films doing the rounds thanks to the enthusiasm of amateur make-up effects enthusiasts and virgin film directors trying their hand at the horror genre. It’s a wonder there’s an original story left to tell. Fortunately DeadHeads has enough wit and heart to rise above the mediocre crowd to deliver a new take on zombie mythology. In it, a young love struck man attempts to journey cross-country to see his old school sweetheart where he plans to propose, all during a spreading zombie apocalypse. The big difference is that he, and his travelling companion, are zombies themselves although they still have their reasoning and humanity intact.

DeadHeads, while not as tight or constantly amusing as you might hope, is a funny, sweet love story with healthy amounts of low-budget gore, sparky characters, clever situations and likable performances. Worth a watch, it’s best moments belong to Benjamin Webster’s trigger happy red neck like his classic line “Fe Fi Fo Fuck, get in the back of my fucking truck!” Class.

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