Wednesday 19 August 2009

Observed And Reported

Observe and Report starring Seth Rogan is the second film this year to feature the misadventures of a shopping mall security guard. Unlike the uber-frothy Kevin James vehicle Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Observe & Report is a much darker, stranger movie.
Rogan plays Ronnie, the Chief of Mall Security. He's on medication for psychological disorders. He likes guns a little tooo much. And he has an over inflated opinion of his own abilities, his own importance and is utterly deluded as to what others think of him...whether it be good or bad.

In Adam Sandler's hands this could be a hilarious romp. But director Jody Hill has other ideas, and he and Rogan turns Ronnie into an obnoxious tragic asshole. It's one of those movie thats both funny AND uncomfortable to watch, as Ronnie (always turned up to 11) tries to catch the mall pervert, enrole in the police and win the girl of his dreams, Anna Faris.

Rogan creates a monster, one you're not always rooting for. Despite coming from Warner Brothers, this is more of a quirky indie comedy than a mainstream laughter house. A curiosity.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

I saw this the other night and hated it. It was quite a slog to get through for me. I didn't find it funny and couldn't stand Rogen's character...or any of the characters for that matter. Only the girl who gives him his coffee was remotely engaging. And even then you have to ask what she'd ever see in such a prize cock as Rogen. It also made me angry that the director seemed to think date rape is funny. Which is what Rogen's asshole security guard basically does to Anna Faris.

Not funny. Not clever. Just ugly and utterly unlikable.