Thursday 17 September 2009

Dreamwork's Monsters Vs Pixar's Aliens

You can tell from Monsters Vs Aliens, the latest Dreamworks CG animation, that every effort has been made to counter the box office profitability of Disney's Pixar movies. The focus has been on big star names, high concept stories, pop culture gags, action packed storylines and sequels for every movie that makes a profit. It's a hit machine.

Unfortunately the inner working of that machine are too obvious and Dreamworks movies never attain the raw human quality in their characters and stories their Pixar rivals achieve. Dreamworks flicks are too light. Too fluffy. Fun, sure, but lacking the emotional depth and lightness of touch to pull of a genuine classic.
And Monsters Vs Aliens is much the same.

It's cool, well designed, funny, exciting, action packed and does exactly what animation should do; tell stories that are better done non-live action. A solid, three out of five star movie, that will keep adults and kids entertained (unlike the coma inducing animation from Fox, Sony & Co).
While is still much better than their early CG efforts like Antz and Sharks Tale it still doesn't rise above the rest of the Dreamworks pack to claim the prize of 'animated classic'. With sequels to Madagascar, Shrek and Kung-Fu Panda on the immediate horizon, that title still seems a long way off.

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