Wednesday 16 September 2009

The Third Ice Age - Dead By Dawn

I hate Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs, the third in Fox's CG animated franchise. I hate that the characters I grew to like in the first film, are reduced to bland losers. I hate that stand out character, Scrat, has not one entire sequence to shine. I hate that all attempts to include something for an adult audience has been removed to allow the braindead zombies of middle America to not feel like they're 'not getting it'. Mostly I hate that I was bored by the uninspired predictability of it all.

On the plus side I was disappointed that Ice Age newcomer Simon Pegg was unable to lift the enjoyment level of the movie significantly, although at least he's trying. And the Scrat sequences at least have a wacky surreal quality...even if they're no longer funny.

The staggering worldwide success of this installment means an inevitable sequel. I just hope it's a silent solo Scrat movie or the cinema suicide rate might just escalate!

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