Tuesday 15 December 2009

Don't Bother To Thaw This Monster

Yet another rif on The Thing, The Thaw is set in an Artic circle research camp where the melting of a glacier has released a deadly prehistoric parasite from hibernation.
The cast fight to stop the rapidly multiplying little buggers from laying eggs under their skin, causing violent painful death when they hatch.

Only lead Alexandra Staseson puts any effort into this slow lumbering sleep-inducer. Val Kilmer cameos, but he's asleep for his onscreen time, awaiting the pay-cheque instead. Aaron Ashmore, the less talented of the Ashmore brothers should quit while he's behind, being a blank charisma-less male lead.

The CGI is passable. Not much else get above the level of adequate. Only of interest if you're doing the ironing at the same time. While listening to some cool metal tracks. While reading Stephen King. That should do it.

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