Tuesday 31 August 2010

Freddy Got Fingered: Rare & Under Appreciated #7

It's a bit wrong to describe Freddy Got Fingered as under appreciated. Universally hated might be a more appropriate phrase. But it's a film that, if you're in the right mindset...if you can tune into director/actor Tom Green's twisted sense of humour...it's a minor comedy classic with no equals.

It centres around Gordy, a twenty something slacker with an innocent little brother, a doting Mom and a grumpy Dad who can't wait for his eldest son get a responsible job and leave home. But Gordy just wants to get a job making animated cartoons...

There's no way to put this other than to say Freddy Got Fingered is fucked up. Big time. And if you get the humour, which travels beyond 'bad taste', then there's serious laughing to be had. Sequences that contain masturbating a horse, chewing a newborn's umbilical cord, the cheese helmet scene, the backwards man, "daddy do you want some sausages", masturbating an elephant, and the bizarre animation Zebra's In America are so outrageously in your face you'll probably want to turn it off.

But if you find yourself grinning with shock, stunned by the lack of subtlety of Tom Green's and Rip Torn's unhinged performances, you might just enjoy a very unique and funny sitcom of a movie. Just don't recommend it at the next PTA meeting.

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