Tuesday 31 August 2010

Never Go Ass To Mouth (The First Sequence)

Ho. Le. Crap.

There's not many films that fall into the category of 'disgusting'. The latter half of Cronenberg's The Fly? Yep. Meet The Feebles? Uh huh. Martyrs? Hell yeah. But I've never quite seen anything like The Human Centipede - First Sequence.

Take the usual horror movie set up; two ditsy American girls break down in the middle of nowhere and find an isolated house where they find a complete nutter. Oh, and they can't get a signal on their mobiles (no bar). What sets the nutter aside from the usual cannibalistic band of rednecks is the fact he's a mad scientist. A renowned surgeon who specialised in separating Siamese twins, he's now intent on reverse engineering the process using the hapless tourists digestive systems. Nice, huh?

Human Centipede is bizarre, making it both darkly funny and cover-your-eyes gross. It's quite tense too as we mostly see the action from one of the American girls. Will he ensnare her? Can she escape? Will the police locate her and her friend? How will she feed (er, let's not go there)?

Low on budget but big on balls this is a fantastic little gem of a body horror movie. It's a effectively engrossing (as well as gross) take on the mad scientist story. Cronenberg would be proud.

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