Sunday 14 August 2011

Frankly Captain, I'm Exhausted!

The Captains is a rather self congratulary documentary from William Shatner as he interviews the other actors who have been played lead captains in the various incarnations of Star Trek. It’s all rather ‘luvey’ with the actors patting themselves, and each other, on the back for a good job done and it’s all accompanied by a pretentious piano jazz score. In terms of content it runs out of steam in the penultimate act as The Shat interview Star Trek 6 legend Christopher Plummer and swans around a convention seeking adulation, but thankfully returns to focus for the end.

It’s nice to see each of the actors out of uniform, and in most cases we’re given an insight into the real personality of the actors involved; Scott Bakula is a guy-next-door kind of bloke while Patrick Stewart visibly regrets the impact his obsessive work had on his family. There’s some interesting facts that emerge such as the fact Chris Pine’s acting father played the Police Chief in the 1970’s show CHiPs. But the most eye opening, jaw dropping moments belong to Deep Space Nine Captain Avery Brooks; he’s mad. To quote Lethal Weapon he’s ‘Out there on Pluto, man!’ Avery Brooks is away with the fairys to such a degree I had to fast-forward my way through his interview footage with pure embarrassment. Now that takes some doing.

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