Thursday 8 September 2011

Hollywood, We Have A Problem

It seems that found footage movies are all the rage at the moment with hits like The Blair Witch Project, REC, Cloverfield and Paranormal Activity proving to be bloody well made, as well as bloody popular.

Unfortunately not all found footage films can be as good as that exclusive bunch as Apollo 18 proves. It's a great premise as it documents the final American moon mission (that was never made public) from film footage taken by the astronauts themselves, but the script is far too by-the-numbers and the execution too reserved to make any great impact. Also the cast, culled from chisel-jawed, leading man TV land are a bit flat and it's not helped by the fact that astronauts are far too reserved thanks to their extensive training to get that emotional.

A solid sci-fi horror movie that's just a little too formal and up-tight to be truly gripping.

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