Sunday 11 September 2011

A Lonely Place To Go "All Chrstian Bale"

God bless Melissa George. The poor lass seems stuck being this generation's premiere scream queen, but she keeps churning out corkers like The Amityville Horror, Triangle and 30 Days Of Night. You can add A Lonely Place To Die to that list as well as it's a buttock clenching chase movie through the mountains and wilderness of the Scottish Highlands.

It's nicely grounded in much the same way Neil Marshall films his stuff, the cast rise above the usual horror fodder, the locations and situations keep evolving to keep the audience riveted and it's tautly and efficiently told. George is her reliable self being both tough, resilient and vulnerable, Ed Speleers adds some great comic relief and Sean Harris as Mr Kidd has the same chilling intensity that Robert Carlyle once brought to his villains. If I have a gripe it's that the focus on George is lost in the final 10 minutes to wrap things up with the bad guys. Other than that it may not be as great as a Neil Marshall film, but pretty damn good all the same.

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