Sunday 26 July 2009

Cowboys Vs Indians Vs Graboids

Set in the good ol' USA in 1879, The Burrowers follows a group of cowboys and their Native American Indian guide across an Indian reservation as they search for a missing family of settlers. Then the graboids,er, monsters under the ground appear and start killing everybody. Thats about it really.

It stars Tom Cruise's cousin, the immortal Clancy Brown and that twitchy, evil git from The Green Mile. Despite being shot in widescreen and being handsomely shot, Burrowers is painfully slow. It takes forever for a monster attack to occur and you don't get to see the creatures until the finale. At least they're creepy little buggers, coming across like a mutated cave dweller from The Descent.

It's ok but I'd recommend you watch with beer goggles for maximum effect.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

It looked good and had a good cast but was pretty dull.

Give me Tremors anyday.

"Pardon my French"