Tuesday 28 July 2009

Stiller Couldn't Be Stiller

Twenieth Century Fox's current policy is to taylor virtually all of their movie product at all age groups. Even the adult stuff. So when movies are gutted of their edgey or potentially offensive content...or are dumbed down so an 8 year old or redneck can understand the plot and themes...we the audience become fed up. However, there are movies when those effects are deminised because they are MEANT for 8 year olds (and rednecks too if they feel inclined). Such is Night At The Museum 2.

Ben Stiller, and most of the original cast are back in a grand example of sequelitus; bigger, louder with a lot of the same jokes repeated. This time Stiller's Museum buddies are transplanted to the Washington Smithsonian where they fall afoul of Hank Azaria's Egyption baddie (playing it like a camp Jeremy Irons).
A fast paced romp ensues and they all live happily ever after.

Stiller cuts back on his usual schtick, making him a virtually interchangable leading man. Only an amusingly adlibbed controntation with Jonah Hill's amatuer guard works in Stillers favor. Amy Adams is cute and infectious as Amelia Earhart; she's turning into one of this generation best, young character actors. The effects are consistantly high quality and the score lavish.

Like Harry Potter Part One, The Wizard Of Oz or Chronicles of Narnia this is an inoffensive, family friendly fun movie. Of cousre, this being a Fox movie it's instantly forgettable and it wont be competing with Pixar in the quality stakes anytime soon. But the tone is spot on for those 8 year olds.

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