Friday 1 January 2010

Everything That Has An End, Has A Beginning...

David Tennant finally finished his run as the tenth incarnation of the BBC's long running science fiction drama Doctor Who. While never my favorite Doctor (unlike the readers of Doctor Who Magazine who voted him the best actor ever to portray the Time Lord) it was good to see Tennant go out on top in "The End Of Time - Part 2".

It was exactly what you'd expect from a Russell T Davis finale; scenes of wonder, quite, intimate moments of drama, lots of shouting, lots of running, a smattering of over-the-top, inappropriately timed humor and a barking plot that only makes sense to a giddy 10 year old. Fortunately I can tap into my inner geek-child so this was great fun (just please don't let my inner intellect know if you see it...)

Of course what was really important was how they handled the regeneration sequence.
And all I can say is...Russell, me lad. Beautifully done.
As the 10th Doctor accepts his fate, he delivers one last helping hand to each of his companions of his lifespan. In reality, this is really Russell T Davis saying goodbye in a Big Brother-style compilation of The Doctor's best moments, as most of this continuity will now be left behind in favor of incoming head-writer Stephen Moffat's new players. But it works wonders. Touching and nostalgic. A perfect goodbye.

Matt Smith has a short introduction as the regenerated 11th Doctor, but he makes an impact. I love the way he observes he's "still not ginger" when looking at his hair....surprised at his spitting (both him and's not a contest, is it guys?)...and fascinated to see if "Geronimo" will become his catchphrase.

I'm looking forward to springtime already when the new series promise the return of Daleks, Weeping Angels, Alex Kingston along with some Vampires and the impossibly cute Karen Gillan as the new companion. Geronimo!

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

It was alright. Better than the crapfest of part one. Nice regeneration, though.

But...gotta Who for 2010? WOW! This looks BLOODY AWESOME! You can see and feel Moffat's influence right away. The gothic music, the freaky, nasty monsters and creepy imagery, the simple gothic styled lettering of the titles. Matt Smith looks fab and Karen Gillen is just insanely cute. Personally I'm hugely happy that Tennant and Davies have now gone. Time now for the kind of Who that suits my personal aesthetic. Drop the camp panto and bring on the dark and creepy. As Moffat says 'a dark fairytale.' Consider me well excited. Spring can't get here fast enough.