Monday 11 January 2010

John Woo's Guide To Helicopter Explosions

Poor John Woo. He tried to make it in the U.S. of A, but never managed to completely transfer his majestic style in a way that American studios would accept. His American debut, Hard Target, was high on style, but lacked the psychological themes and the mythic tone that had defined his recent Hong Kong work. Better was his follow up, Broken Arrow, a big budget, military heist movie with a treacherous Air Force Major stealing two nukes from his own stealth plane. In true Die Hard tradition, it's up to his co-pilot to retrieve the bombs and get bring him man in...dead or alive.

If it sounds like a western, it pretty much is. The film's located in Arizona, the location for many a gunslinging adventure, and Woo also includes a sheriff (er, ok, a park marshall)to make sure we get the idea.

Travolta pulls out all the stops for his charming, slimy, scenery-chewing traitor while Christian Slater is all movie star coolness as his ex-partner/friend who's determined to stop him. I feel sorry for ol' Slates...he doesn't have much range as an actor but he's always matter what crap he's in. Samantha Mathis is darned pretty as the leading lady of the law, but she's stilted and awkward...which is amplified next to the naturalistic Slater.

This is dumb, action movie making on a big scale and all the better for it. There's loads of cliched one liners ("I wish I was coming with you!"), zero characterisation and a board room of military generals that look like they've been transplanted directly from Under Siege or Air Force One. Woo's trademark directing style has been stripped away leaving a movie that's often signatureless. However, enough of the film is pepper with sufficient slow motion to let you know who's in control. The mythic feel makes a grand return too, aided by Hans Zimmer's bombastic and, in places, haunting score.

This is no nonsense, brainless action film. Just action set-piece, after set-piece after set-piece. And just look at Woo's enthusiasm for blowing shit up. Four helicopters get wasted in this. Wanna know how to destroy a chopper, look no further.
Spectacular fun.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Broken Arrow is a lot of big dumb fun with Travolta excelling as the bad guy. The action is top notch and it also has a great score. To push the western theme Broken Arrow is also the name of an old 1950 western starring James Stewart.

A fun movie.