Monday 29 June 2009

1968 - A Space Odessey

2001: A Space Odessey. A movie that has inspired many of todays legendary directors from James Cameron, David Fincher to George Lucas. It's mixture of philosophical contempation, startling artistic vision, future predicting confidence and unflinching intellect. There is no way in hell...a big budget movie such as this would get made today. Not unless there were some big arse explosions.

Kubrick, ever the perfectionist, produces his most impressive work here. The photgraphy simply beautiful. The effects, a stunningly relistic prediction of future space exploration. Despite the slow pace the story never drags...the images, themes, and steadily building suspense and mystery is so compelling that boredom doesn't get a look in.

And, Holy Zeus's Cat, is it iconic; HAL's big red eyes, the Monolith, the spacestation, the Discovery, the 'stargate', the Starchild...even the futuristic air-hostesses...each image and sequence brilliantly framed and imagined.

Maybe 20 years from now, when recording on a HI Def digital format is inexpensive and movie quality visual effects can be produced quickly and cheaply at home, an ambitious film-making nerd will suddenly present to the world a science fiction film of similar influential potential as 2001. Until then, our though provoking science fiction is going to be of the Terminator variety; smarts, blood squids and explosions.

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