Wednesday 3 June 2009

Drag Me To Hell, Because I Dont Wanna Leave The Cinema

I wasn't sure how Sam Raimi's new horror film was gonna work, it being a mere PG-13 in the US. If it was indeed to be his return to horror after three Spider-man movies, how could he make really a scary movie...with out the gore? Sure he's done kid-friendly stuff in the past...just look at Army Of Darkness...but that was more fantasy comedy, than horror. Was Drag Me To Hell going to be silly?

Well, yes and no. PG-13 or not, this is the best horror film of the year and one of the best movies, full stop, of 2009. The sound is cranked up to 11 and Raimi milks the tension and the shocks for all they're worth. Most of the time you're tensed up, biting your bottom lip, waiting for the next scare that will make you leap out of your chair. It recalls Robert Wise's The Haunting which also used simple editing and loud sound to similar effect.

In true Raimi style he abuses his hero (heroine Alison Lohman in this case) until they're at their wits end. Alison Lohman is refreshing and likable in the lead role...unlike the usual college bimbo's that you'd normally see cast.

The set pieces come thick and fast, and are varied enough to keep you giddy with joy throughout. There's gore, scares, humour, gross/icky stuff, body horror, social embarresment, a guy you love-to-hate, evil dead homages. Its great. There's even a sequence, that was used to comedy effect in Naked Gun 2 that is aquired by Raimi in a serius pulse-pounding action sequence! The one on one battle in the car leaves you breathless while smaller, but no less inventive shots have a persistant fly trying to violate a sleeping Lohman!

It's good to see Raimi's battered Oldsmobile back for a major role! Christopher Young's score is is loud, perfectly embodying the old style b-movie goodness Raimi is aiming for. Talking of loud, thats the way you need to see this movie; it a well equiped cinema or on a beefy home entertainment system using surround sound and a sub-woofer.

Fantastic movie. Just wish I hadn't shat my pants!

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Yep. Drag Me To Hell is fab.

Sam pulled out all his favourite Evil Dead/Army of Darkness tricks and made a really loud, intense, scary spookablast of a film. It's ninety minutes of earsplittingly loud sound effects, yucky gloop, superjumptastic scares and tons of zany black comedy. Only in a Raimi horror film would the hero drop a suspended anvil on the head of an attacking nasty. And I guarantee any viewer will be leaping out of thier seat everytime the Lamia, the big bad evil goat demon, turns up to terrify poor little Alison Lohman. Watching this I was jumping out of my skin one moment then laughing so hard my sides ached the next. The film's sound design and widescreen composition are both wonderful as are the cg fx and the make-up and creature fx by the supremos at KNB.

Drag Me To Hell is huge fun and is one of those films that really does deserve to be seen in a theatre with an audience. It's a proper moviegoing experience. Screams and laughter all around. Popcorn flying. Great stuff!

Along with Star Trek, Drag Me To Hell is the most purely enjoyable movie I've seen so far this year. It's not deep. It's not meaningful. It's not even original. But it is one hell of a ride.

Way to go Sam :)