Friday 9 October 2009

Haunted By Zombie's El Superbeasto

This is a call out to the people of the world; to individual and collective nations... CAn anybody tell me what the hell was going on in Rob Zombie's animated feature The Haunted World Of El Superbeasto?

This, quite simply is bizarre, as if Zombie collected all the things he was interested in seeing on screen, and which he couldn't produce as a live action feature (bloody ultra-violence, boobies, satan, werewolf women of the SS) and combined them in a movie length format that reminds me of a kids Saturday morning cartoon. It follows the adventures of wrestling,sex-obssessed, mega-star El Superbeasto and his super-spy sister Suzi X. as they battle arch nemesis Dr Satan in his bid to do something...

It plays out like a twisted episode of Ren & Stimpy only with more swearing, animated gore and nudity. It's rarely funny..except in that 'I can't believe what I'm watching' kind of way. You can take that either way...but it's never boring, especially when surreal musical numbers punctate the score with songs like "Why'd You Have to Rip Off Carrie?" and "It's Okay to Jerk Off to Animation".

So, if anybody can let me know what the hell was going on in this trippy, f~~ked up freak show...I'd appreciate it. I'm still trying to process this one myself.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Nope. Can't help you there. No fraking idea what was going on.

I did laugh a few times...mainly at the utter absurdity of it all and the copius amounts of cartoon nudity and sex. Oh, and the Zombie Nazi song. I so need that for my ringtone

"Zombie Nazi's standing at the wall now...."

Nope. No idea what this was about. Maybe doing a lot of drugs might help? I think they must have when making it.

Rob Zombie is quite unwell me thinks. Bring on Halloween 2.