Friday 9 October 2009

Wisely Follow Ray To A Dead End

In Dead End, a disfuntional family are taking a shortcut to 'grandmas' when strange happenings cause them to die, one by one, while the deserted forest road on which they're travelling sees no sign of ending.

This could have been a disaster waiting to happen. After all there's only so many things that could happen on a straight road to seemingly nowhere. There's a mysterious woman and a scary hearse the appear from time to time...but for the most part its just Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister and Sister's boyfriend. Driving. Stopping. Driving. Stopping. Dying. Then driving some more. But the script is witty as hell, the cast perfect, from the slowly deteriorating Ray Wise to Lin Shaye's mumsy matriarch. It crackles with fun banter as the family under siege try to endure their predicament.

The ending is obvious from the events in the first 10 minutes. But the fun of Dead End is in the journey, not the destination.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Wow! Mr Nolan was very late coming to the party with this one. Several years late. Still, he got there in the (dead) end.

Dead End is a great little horror flick with an intruiging story that's well told and well acted. It's one of those Twilight Zone-ish type tales which can either work really well or just be as lame as hell. Thankfully it's the former here.