Tuesday 24 November 2009

How To Survive A Cannibal Uprising, The Liverpudlian Way

While the British film industry may not produce that may big budget blockbusters, it is able to compete in certain genres. Specifically corset dramas, gangster movies and Richard Curtis comedies. We also seem to building up a head of steam in the comedy/horror sub-genre with Dog Soldiers, Doghouse and Lesbian Vampire Killers (with the former being a modern day classic and the latter being an unholy abomination). The Cottage, starring Andy Serkis and Reece Shearsmith fall snuggly in the middle of those two extremes.

The Cottage follws the structure of From Dusk Til Dawn, starting with a kidnapping that doesn't go to plan. Instead of venturing into vampire territory (as Dusk does)the plot veers onto the land of Texas Chainsaw. The humour is all character based and brought to life by actors with a gift for comic timing and subtly amusing personality traits. The horror, while never scary is at least gory. And, most memorably, when your not distracted by Jennifer Ellison's boobies, you're amused and appalled by the torrent of filth pouring from the Liverpudlian lasses gob.

Just when you thought it was the American mid-west you should avoid (in case of encountering deformed cannibals)...you find the little bugger's practically on your doorstep. Welcome to Britain.


Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Haven't watched this since the cinema. I remember liking it and finding it pretty funny. I'll have to have another look. It's buried somewhere on my media centre.

sickboy said...

I found it a bit shit. Good stuff in places but neither scary enough or funny enough. Seemed to be at a loose end in the direction it wanted to take.