Sunday 1 November 2009

I Love It When A (Cylon) Plan Comes Together

The Plan is a neat little addition to the now complete, reimagined Battlestar Galactica TV saga. Directed by series star Edward James Olmos, it's a facinating look at the conflict between Cylons and Humans, from the Cylons point of view...from two weeks before the invasion to a mid-point in the show's second season.

Of the seven regular Cylon models we see the war primarily from the viewpoint of 2 Cavil gets staioned on Caprica while the other plans covert guerilla attacks on the Galactica herself, posing as her Preacher. For this standpoint we get to see how a genocidal war is pushed by its leader, how a people at war sees itself differently from it's opponant, and the dangers of becoming brainwashed by centuries of dogma rather than allowing yourself to thing freely about issues such as war, religion and love.

Dark, talky, and challenging; first rate Galactica...which was the most intelligent show on the box.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

This was great. But then it is BSG so it kinda had to be really. The Plan is quite a fascinating look at familiar events from the first couple of seasons of BSG from the pov of the Cylons - specifically the Cavil duo (on Galactica and Caprica) There is a lot of great stuff in here. The relationship between Galactica Cavil and the boy who seeks shelter in his chapel is shocking.
The Plan is worth seeing though if for no other reason than just to see the delectible Cylon Six wearing next to nothing in a couple of scenes. And also for seeing Cylon Basestars in full-on planet attack mode. Who knew their two sections could rotate in that uber-cool way?

Fraking Sweet!