Monday 9 March 2009

Beam Me Up, Now Goddamit, Now!

The latest trailer for the new Trek trailer has me drooling with anticipation. I'm a life long Trek fan and I don't have a problem with them recasting the classic characters (you can't beat Shatner anyway, so why get stressed about it).

The visuals look fantastic, as if Michael Bay himself had directed(k'plow!k'bang!) The effects are epic and the tone of the trailer mythic. This is the age old navel myth...boy goes to sea and returns a man. The mythic image of 'hero looking at sunrise as he contemplates his journey' (like Luke staring at the two suns in Star Wars) is present here, with Pine-Kirk gazing at the partly built USS Enterprise.
The downside is the excellent music here, which provides half of the powerful tone of the trailer, is not part of the score.

Still haven't seen any cast shots yet of Zoe Saladina in Uhura's mini skirt get-up. What, you didn't just think I liked space monsters, did ya?

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...


I looooove this trailer. If I could I'd make mad passionate and sticky love to it over and over and over...

Oh, and to Zoe Saldana too :D