Tuesday 24 March 2009

Pop Quiz, Hot Shot...

Take a stunning high concept, throw in a movie star who's in his absolute element and a first time director who's hungry to impress, and you get Speed.

It basically mixes the Die Hard style hostage drama with a disaster movie like Airport (but it subverts the disaster into something mundane, like a bus, making it more relatable). There's a clever 3 act structure of elevator, bus and subway train; it stay true to its name (Speed) but keep things moving (storywise and actionwise).

Reeves doesn't have to act much and so demonstates why he's a great leading man and action star. Hopper's career is resurrected by this gleefully manic character. And Sandra Bullock rightfully was launched into the A-list with this career defining turn.

It's non-stop, tense, relentless and fun. It's one of those rare action thrillers that you can take seriously...but have some fun with too.

Question is...what happened to the talent of director Jan De Bont? Before this he was one of the best cinematographers on the block. After this, and the also great Twister, came the awful The Haunting and the average Tomb Raider 2. His next, Point Break 2, doesn't sound promising, does it folks?!

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Give me what I need
White lightning
Let's speed, on speed
On wheels, on wheels

Oh, let it bleed
Greased lightning
Let's speed, on speed
On wheels, on wheels...

'Speed' by Billy Idol.

I like it. It makes I piss. HAHAHAHAHA