Wednesday 20 May 2009

The Animal House Bunny

The House Bunny is almost everything you'd expect it to be. The production company is Adam Sandler's Happy Madison...and so is funny, but not hilarious...crude but not offensively filthy...with a generic structure you can anticipate before the main titles role. It's also from the creators of Legally Blond...ans so, predictably, follows the same basic story of a blond, air-headed bimbo who leaves her natural environment to transform the outside world (and they teach her a little something too!! Tee Hee!) Of course, there's also a rom-com sub couldn't there be!?

Fortunately then for the lead, Anna Faris, for which this is essentially a star vehicle. Not even Cameron Diaz or Reece Witherspoon could have lifted this movie out of the gutter as Faris does. She's adorable, damned cute, extremely sexy with a staggering ability to take the piss out of herself. Ever since Scary Movie, Faris should have been a huge star...hopefully this will launch her onto the A list.

Worth mentioning is Superbad's Emma Stone, who excells as the uber geek of the sorority house. There's definetely a major career in comedy beckoning for this girl too.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

I really enjoyed The House Bunny. But this was almost entirely due the to wonderful Anna Faris. A sweeter, hotter, more comedy blessed actress you ain't gonna find. As Hefner's dumped ex-house bunny Shelly, she single handidly elevates what is a pretty vapid and production line product in to something so very cute, watchable and - yes - downright funny.

Forget the plot or the other actors, just bask in the comedy glow that the lovely Anna radiates. So many great Farisisms. Some of my favourites are:

"The eyes are the nipples of the face."


"I gotta meet this freakin' bird!"

"We should have an Aztec party! We always wanted to have one at the Mansion but we could never find a virgin to sacrifice!"

"Oh, wait here for a second, I think I dropped some money over here the other day. I just don't know wherever it could be. Maybe it's over here by this manhole...
[stands seductively on a steaming manhole ala Marilyn Monroe ] HAAAA-ARGH! THAT IS FUCKING HOT!"

And Shelley's Exorcist voice she uses repeating peoples names back to them so as to remember the name better is freakin' hilarious.

I love this girl. She rocks!