Friday 22 May 2009

Thick As Sadists

I don't get this. The movie, Thick As Thieves...I just don't get it. It's a caper flick with MOrgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas as two rival diamond thieves teaming for the ultimate heist. You've got a sexy Rhada Mitchell to slut things up and the reliable Robert Forster to add some weight to proceedings. With a cast like this combined with capable director Mimi Leder, were onto a winner, you'd think.

Forget it. This is THE most uninteresting movie I've seen in years. The director and sciptwriter take every concievable element of originality, excitement and tension from the story and piss it away into coma inducing blandness. Even if the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz had shown up to shave Freeman's eyebrows off, I couldn't have cared less if I'd have asked a genie to make me care less.

It. Moves. So. Slowly.

How did it attract the likes of Freeman? Banderas? Sure. But Freeman!?!?

Aghhhh! The only thing I can think of is Leder wanted to inflict pain on her audience as retribution for thinking her Kevin Spacey flick, Pay It Forward, was shite. The sadist bint!


Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Never even heard of it. Sounds bollocks.

Thanks for taking the bullet on this one.

Mike Of The Dead said...

Suckered in by the Freeman!!!
I will give that one a miss then.