Sunday 19 April 2009

Captain, There Be Whales Here!!!

Well folks, looks like I'm on a Trekathon...

Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home has two jobs; to wrap up the "Genesis" trilogy and to create a separate adventure for the ever-widening crew of the (now destroyed) USS Enterprise. But with Nimoy's second outing as director he delivers one of the franchises most memorable entries.

The story is unique (time travelling whales)and shuns the space battles and all-evil bad guy that in commonplace for most of the other Trek movies. Also, it combines different elements to keep it fresh; culture clash comedy, caper movie, save the world against the ticking clock movie.

The ensemble are at there absolute best here; Shatner's at the peak of his game, delivering something both subtlely introspective and inspired. Nimoy , Doohan and Kelley's comic timing is impeccable.

Nimoys direction has matured too. The story is presented in a steady, old fashioned pace and confident long takes which allows the comedy performances to breathe. The photography is possible the best of the series being warm, dramatic with depth to the picture.

A refreshing change of pace for the series; it's a shame, even with a space-battle filled prequel just around the corner, they can't create more original stories like this. After all, that was the beauty of the TV a ompletely different story each week, but using the same characters, as the travel their merry way...

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Love this film. It's the best allround ensemble by the classic cast. Shatner is ace as is Nimoy and Kelley. ILM do great work with the whales and the culture clash stuff is genuinely clever and amusing.

"A double dumb ass on you!"

Nice one, Shat.