Saturday 18 April 2009

The Tom Hanks Mullet Movie

Dan Brown's novel The DaVinci Code gets a bit of a kicking because of its basic, unsophisticated, workmanlike craftsmanship. For the same reason, the 2006 Ron Howard adaptation is not in favor with many critics; the direction is largely unimaginative and sticks to closely to the book. And while that is still true, the movie is still very entertaining thanks to the research on which it's based.

Doctor Who bossman Russell T Davis knows that using cultural iconography & mythology (wheely bins / double decker buses / christmas / werewolves) you can draw your audience in, and get them to look at something in a whole new light. With the Da Vinci Code, the iconography of Da Vinci is interwoven with New Testament bible mythology to reinterpret the Holy Grail myth.
This whole aspect is bloody marvelous, especially Sir Ian McKellan's massive exposition dump in the middle act.

Where the movie falters is the treasure hunt plot that gels the mystery together; it's not that exciting and you wish for a visionary director to give it an adrenaline rush.

It is however a compelling mystery. Love the final scene as Tom Hanks resolves the final location of the grail accompanied by some fantastic Hans Zimmer score.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Shhh! Don't trust the Catholics.