Tuesday 7 April 2009

It's The Parents Fault, I Reckon...

The Children is a 2008 British horror film which chroncles the Christmas get-together of a clan at a secluded family house. Apart from sulky teenager and dad-with-a-short-temper, all is well until the kiddies become prone to spurts of spontaneous violence.

It's a bit by the numbers, but well made. The Brit cast is familier but unforgettable. What raises this a level is choice of characters to defend themselves... should they try and kill, attack the 4 year olds trying to slaughters them? Is it their fault? Could you kill your own child even if they were hellbent on killing you?

There's some irritating jumps in logic that detract from the experience. The question as to where the requested ambulance is hovers overs two thirds of the movie (until an implied resolution presents itself).

Another is more jarring. I'm pretty certain I can outrun and restrain a 5 year old (even if posessed by evilness) so why in heaven don't they lock the little buggers up!?

Not great, but some welcome savagry saves the day.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...