Saturday 25 April 2009

Vikings Vs Aliens - Who ya got?

Whaddya get if you cross Predator with Beowulf? Answer; "Outlander", a much-better-than-it-should-have-been, R-rated adventure flick.

Probably due to the presence of Matrix/Lord of the Rings producer Barry Osbourne, the production standards are top-notch on this thing from the location (New Zealand?), Special Effects and Casting. Jim Caviz...,Jesus is the stoic hero (the stong, quiet type) with Sophia Myles (mmmmm) John Hurt and Ron Perlman providing gravitas to what could easily have been a extremely silly period adventure (as it is, its just daft).

Fortuntely, the first time director pulls it off, creating a rousing, well judged exploit. It's not original in any way conceivable and recalls many other movies... Dolph Lungren's I Come In Peace, The Relic, The Thing (the opening shot) and The 13th Warrior.

This is one of the surprise movies of the year. It may not be a classic movie, but it is a geek indulgence that screams to be watched again and again in the years to come (on a Friday night with much Guiness to consume) as a reminder that B movies can be made well, and not have to put up with crap scripts, crap casts or crews, just because of their poor pedigree.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Yeah, Outlander was pretty good. I thought it could be shaved of some of its running time. Made a little leaner and meaner. But it's still a fun, well made B movie yarn.

Oh, and it was shot in Canada not New Zealand. All the mountains and nordic stuff were added digitally.