Monday 20 April 2009


Crank: High Voltage picks up immediately after the events of 2006's Jason Stathan starrer Crank. And it's to its credit that it feels like part of the same movie; frenetic, surreal, relentless and psychotically amusing.

While not as urgent as it's predecessor (as it has to deliver exposition regarding the first movie while set up new challenges for this film) it more than makes up for it with a willingness to put common-sense aside, and deliver barkingly mad set-pieces.

Just when you think it can't get any more outrageous, along comes another classic one-liner, dip-shit character or deranged situation. The Chev-zilla sequence is a modern classic and the movie contains the best use of the word "c~~t" in a motion picture to date. Several times.

Loved it, and if you loved the first one, so will you.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Go Chev! Tons of mad as batshit chases, fights, shootouts, public name it. This film is inspired gratuitous lunacy of the highest moronic order. The Chev-zilla fight alone is worth the ticket price. I loved it, but feel as dirty as Bai Ling's skanky crack whore for doing so. Heh.