Sunday 10 July 2011

Carry On Kidnap

If someone asks you if you want to see a film with American starlet Odette Yustman in it, then it's a proposition worth considering. If someone asks you if you want to see a film with American starlets Odette Yustman AND Amber say YES!!!

Bizarrely based on an English movie written by Brit TV legends Brian Clements and Terry Nation, And Soon The Darkness follows the exploits of two young women finishing off a cycling tour of Argentina. The problem with the movie is you know everything that's going to happen. You know Odette is going to get kidnapped. That the cop is in on it. That Karl Urban is a red herring and is, in fact, looking for his missing girlfriend. And you know that Amber is going to have to kick ass to escape, when she's inevitably captured herself. It's the tourist kidnap movie rulebook played step by step.

However, it's directed with confidence, has a unique look thanks to it's Argentinian locale, the small cast are very strong and it thankfully rises to a tense, anything-goes finale. And as for the girls, yes they're as sexy as a truck load of sexy...but both the girls can act (Heard confirms she's a strong leading actress and Yustman has all the bubbliness and energy to dominate the romcom industry for years). Just pick something less obvious next time girlies.

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