Saturday 30 July 2011

Slither - "Like Finding A Needle In A Fuck-Stack"

Who'd have though that the writer of the live action Scooby Doo movies would be responsible for one of the best alien invasion movies of the last decade? Well, any body who's paid attention to director James Gunn's career would know that he wrote the superb remake of Dawn Of The Dead, that's who.

Slither is a low budget comedy horror, riffing off of '50's science fiction like Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and Invaders From Mars, as a bunch of aggressive extra-terrestrial worms take over Micheal Rooker and chums an a small American township. It's character driven, with the focus on the love triangle between bombshell Elizabeth Banks, her over possessive husband (Rooker), and local Sheriff Nathan Fillion (on top, quotable, witty form).

It's amusing and offbeat, the effects are well up to par, and the cast excellent. If you were ever a supporter of giving Michael 'F**king' Rooker an Emmy or allowing Nathan Fillion to be in 'everything', this will only strengthen your beliefs.

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Love Slither...and not just cuz Nate is in it or cuz Elisabeth Banks is uber cute. He is. She is. But in its own right it is a hugely fun, freaky, well written, acted and directed little movie.

As Sheriff Bill Pardy would say: "Now that's some fucked up shit!"