Thursday 14 July 2011

Planet Of The Minkeys

If you want to watch a Planet Of The Apes movie you're far better off watching the 1968 original starring Charlton Heston, rather than Tim Burton's inexcusable clustercuss remake starring The worst Leading Man In History, Mark Wahlberg.

It's much smarter, looks like a big budget blockbuster rather than a set-bound play, and it has the perfect woman in it in Linda Harrison's Nova (utterly beautiful, semi-clad and completely mute). Not only is it a great, high concept sci-fi film, it's an exciting, sprawling adventure flick and there's lots for the gray matter to consider as well. Apes explores prejudice and racism, the class system, and perhaps most topically, the tensions in society between religion and science and how that perspective prejudices the policies of the lawmakers. It's shocking how the discussions of the ape politicians regarding archaeological discoveries mirror the debate in the US between those that believe in evolution and the popular,but bonkers, right wing believe that God made the earth only 10,000 years ago.

It's very much a product of it's time from the 60's experimental direction, Jerry Goldsmith's themeless score and the rather static dialogue scenes, but the story and ideas are so compelling, Planet Of The Apes rockets along to that shocking, iconic moment. "God damn you all to hell!"

1 comment:

Nick aka Puppet Angel said...

Brilliant movie. Iconic, exciting, intelligent and,yes, Nova. What a classic hottie! Love that un-PC quote about the perfect woman. Nabbed from Free Enterprise I do believe (note to self: must rewatch Free Enterprise soon).