Friday 30 December 2011

50% Chance Of Survival. 100% Chance Of Loving This Movie.

Hell knows what possessed me to put 50/50 on the box. Maybe it was the unrelenting misery of Warrior that made me switch to a cancer themed comedy. Or maybe it was the desire to squeeze in just one more 'worthy' film before 2011 came skidding to a halt. Either way I'm really glad I dis as it's one of the most down to earth, unshowy, naturalistic film I've seen this year.

Based on the real life experiences of co-writer, co-star Seth Rogan it features Joseph Gorden-Levitt as an average 27 year old who get diagnosed with a rare form of spinal cancer. The title refers to his chances of survival. What could have been a bleak and depressing examination of trying to beat the big C is actually a touching, honest and frequently amusing drama. It's the expected mix of over protective parents, cheating girlfriends, inappropriate behave mates, dying fellow patients, emotionally detached doctors and medical students who have gotten in over their heads...but it's dealt with in a unmanipulative, relatable way that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

Gordon-Levitt is fast becoming one of the go-to guys of his generation and his sympathetic and often very reserved performance anchors the movie in reality. Anna Kendrick brings a geeky awkwardness, Bryce Dallas Howard makes her character sympathetic despite her choices,m Angelica Houston baits the awards folk and Seth Rogan brings the laughs as the best friend we all wish we could be if the situation arose.

A beautifully judged directing effort from Mandy Lane's Jonathan Levine, 50/50 is a warm, touching dramedy that's far more watchable than you'd ever expect.

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