Thursday 29 December 2011

(Really Not) The Amityville Haunting

The Amityville Haunting is a movie so fucking cheap and awful it can't even afford to use the original, iconic Amityville House...even though the house itself adorns the poster for the movie. There's no getting round the fact that this film is ever so, ever so shit.

With the success of the Paranormal Activity films over the last two years or so, putting webcams and CCTV into that infamous location and constructing a story around it is an inspired and admirable idea. But when the production company responsible is The Asylum, then you know that terrible acting, boring, meandering plotting unbelievable dialogue, and a who-gives-a-shit ending are coming right at you. Not only can they not afford to shoot in the proper house, the stingy fuckers can't even afford convincing screenwipe and static effects to simulate video camera footage, something I can achieve for zero dollars on the very PC i'm writing on right now.

Movie website IMDB don't list the fuckers name who plays the dad which is fortunate for him. He's fucking terrible. A cunt to begin with before descending into ludicrous histrionics come the end. The Asylum, I hate you and all who sail in you. Now fuck off.

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