Sunday 11 December 2011

Inbetweeners = Split Your Spleeners

When it comes to populist, youth comedy I’m not always aware of what the cutting edge stuff is, usually catching up with it a couple of years later. A prime example is Channel 4’s hit series The Inbetweeners which follows the bungling attempts of four British High School misfits to fit in, get on and get laid. “Watch it”, people said, ”It’s totally your kind of thing” they’d taunt.
But no. I ignored them. And just like Spaced which I also ignored initially, it’s jolly funny stuff. Now there’s a movie spin-off of the property which see the lads go to a holiday resort for sex, sand and booze in their unquashable dweebish style.

And if you’re a fan of the series this is more of the same; underdog characters in socially embarrassing situations, crude sexual references, shit and vomit gags and lots of cute girls. That’s right, even if you’re not into the juvenile silliness there’s still pouty lipped, plumy Laura Haddock to admire seemingly auditioning for the next Tomb Raider movie.

The Inbetweeners Movie was a big hit in the UK and one of the funniest films I've seen this year (as long as you find shit hanging off someone’s nose amusing!)

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