Friday 30 December 2011

Dummies Guide To Slaying A Dolph

Ever since the double whammy of Postal and In The Name Of The King: A Dungeon Siege Tale I’ve not been able to watch another film by uber shite-master Uwe Boll. But when the synopsis of In The Name Of The King: Two Worlds came to my attention I couldn’t resist having a peak at what new levels of shitness Dr Boll has sunk to.
I mean, it not only has the naff, nonsensical sword and sorcery stuff of the first film (complete with terrible mis-cast z-list movie stars) but it has an action hero travel back in time (from contemporary Vancouver!) for some fish out of water shenanigans! To top it off that action hero is Dolph Lundgren (making you wonder how many Expendables actors Boll is planning on working with in this franchise).

Unsurprisingly Boll has not improved creativly. This movie must have a budget smaller than the average Canadian half hour TV drama with the cast moping around a pine forrest, a pine forest by a lake or a pine forest by a fake castle gate. Impressively they go all out for the introductory and climactic battle scenes for some hand to hand combat in a cramped Vancouver kitchen and bathroom.

I jest of course. This sequel is the worst thing to happen to exploitation films since Steven Segal got fat. Dolph tries to be gung ho but comes off like a wanker (in fact his scarf is more sympathetic than he is), Natassia Malthe adds sex appeal but detracts credibility with a shitty English accent and Lochlyn Munro is the most unmenacing bad guy since Nuclear Man stomped around the set of Superman 4.

Shit. But you already knew that.

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